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Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Mt. Everest Level (8 included) $0.00
  • Presenting Sponsor in all event materials

  • Your :30 video shown at the event

  • Featured editorial about your organization in our email newsletter

  • Sponsor logo on our website, at the event and in all communications about the event, both digital and print

  • Reserved table for 8 guests

Pokhara Level (8 included) $0.00
  • Featured editorial about your organization in our email newsletter

  • Sponsor logo on our website, at the event and in all communications about the event, both digital and print

  • Reserved table for 8 guests

Kathmandu Level $0.00
  • Sponsor logo on our website, at the event and in all communications about the event, both digital and print

  • Featured editorial in one of our Newsletters

I would like to make a donation

I authorize The Ama Foundation to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event A Night in Nepal. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.